70×61 Feet/ 4270 Square Feet/ 396 Square Meters Masjid Plan


70×61 Feet/ 4270 Square Feet/ 396 Square Meters Masjid Plan

Here is a Suggestion for 70×61 Feet/ 4270 Square Feet/ 396 Square Meters Masjid Plan witch have a Big Hall, Baramda and Big Open Place for Prayer, and also a big Ablution Place and Also With Bathroom, More Good thing is First Floor Have a Tableeghi Jma’at Room with Attached Kitchen, A Separate Flat for Imam of Masjid in Flat a Big Airy Bedroom with Living room and Kitchen, And it’s a Small Plan with all Thing and also have big Dom and Big Minaret, This 70×61 Feet/ 4270 Square Feet/ 396 Square Meters Masjid Plan for those  Where Qiblah Comes in Corner, If Some One Like to made Then Contact Me And I Will Make any Chang As You Wants or Like.

70x61 Feet Masjid Plan
70×61 Feet Masjid Plan

Ground Floor Plan:

SQ Feet SQ Meters Hall Bara’mda Open Place Ablution Place Wash


Garage Minaret
4270 396 1 1 1 1 8 1 1
70x61 Feet Masjid Ground Floor Plan
70×61 Feet Masjid Ground Floor Plan

First Floor Plan:

SQ Feet SQ Meters Hall Jma’at Room Imam’Flat Kitchen
4270 396 1 1 1 2
71x61 Feet Masjid First Floor Plan
71×61 Feet Masjid First Floor Plan

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